Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Randomness

Wow, so much to share this week I thought I would wrap it all up into one hang on for the ride!!!!

Ben had a few games this week....the team is 2-1 and on a roll! Here's a photo of Ben at point guard from this week. This game was a real nail-biter.....but we pulled out a one point!!

This guy was the winner in his 4th grade class for the Geography Bee so he continued on to the whole school Geography Bee...did a great job, but didn't win :( The great thing was that his good buddy, Jonnie, in the other 4th grade class, was the winner for his class--so they got to be together in the "Bee".
Here's a bad photo from the "Bee"....Luke is in the red shirt....
and last, but not least, here's a picture of the Minn-ster...
Have a GREAT weekend, OK???

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