Recycling. It's a sticky issue at our house. I LOVE to recycle boxes...cardboard boxes.... cereal boxes in particular. They're just so easy to break down....rip open each end and flatten out into a nice flat sheet and stick it on the side of the recycling bin....wa-la! What could be easier. What can I say, it brings a little joy to my day to recycle boxes... (Yes, I know I'm weird, but you already knew that!!)
My hubby, on the other hand, likes to recycle aluminum cans. Not just soda cans, but canned goods cans...like the green beans, corn etc. He likes to wash them out and put them in the recycling bin. He has a hard time figuring out why I don't like to recycle cans. Way too putzy....is that even a word???? He actually wants me to STOP recycling cardboard or at least stop putting it in the recycling bin. What is he, a joy stealer??????
Actually, he's not. Here's what happens..... Little Miss Naughty Dog finds the recycling bin in the garage while she's busy hunting down birds and squirrels in our yard, and this is what happens...

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