It turned into a really late night for the kids because we decided to carve pumpkins at 7:30 on a school night. I think it was worth the lost sleep, so much laughter and fun!! Luke was so impressed that he could carve his own pumpkin this year...he's 9 years old now!! The older boys cannot just carve 2 round eyes and a big smile, they have to "research" on the internet. Funny, I don't remember doing that when I was little. Well, here they go....
First you have to dig out the slime...

Next, we had to do a little carving....

Don't forget to roast the seeds...

The result.... (Luke's, Andrew's ninja, Ben's ninja and Anna's creation)

and Dad, the funny guy that he is, had to make use of one of the pumpkins that had a "rotting problem." Very Interesting, John.....
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