This fine young man was born on this day, thirteen years ago. As I recall, it was a crisp Fall day and gramma Ellie was getting ready to leave and go home (back to Iowa), and Jill's parents were on their way to visit and help with Andrew (then 2 yrs. old) in case she went into labor.
As with in the case with Luke, Ben also wanted to make a GRAND entrance while everyone was still in town. John, Ellie and my Dad took off to the store to buy a new grill in honor of John's b-day. These were the beginning days of the cell phone age and we had a cell phone, but it was the size of a shoebox. Needless to say, John's Mom ran back into the house to fetch the cell phone, "just in case." Well, of course you know that as soon as they reached their destination, I started having contractions (3:30 pm). The contractions were very regular and I could tell that things were moving pretty quickly. I called the bunch and they were still 30 minutes away. ugh. I cringed knowing that the hospital where we were going to deliver was a mere 40 minutes away. oh boy. The race was on! After driving home as fast as possible and turning down the wrong street in our subdivision, the grill group finally made it home.
We made it safely to the hospital although I think we hit every bump and railroad track imaginable. Sparing you all of the gory details, Benjamin Jay Peterson came into the world at 7:23 pm....without an epidural (again).
Today, Ben is a healthy boy with a super creative mind. He's not much interested in school work, although he's on the honor roll. We just appreciate that Ben loves life and has a great time no matter what he's doing. He has the ability to get along with just about anyone and seems to enjoy flip-flopping from playing videos games with Andrew to building Legos with Luke. What a great trait to have!!!! We just love him so much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEN!!!!!!
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