Our day started a little later than expected on Saturday morning because we had been at Raider Madness the night before and stayed out too late (10:00, how pitiful, hey?) Realizing that I had pretty much forgotten to mention the fact to the kids that we needed to be at the photographer at 9 am sharp, they slept in until about 7:30. Mom and Dad kicked their tails in to "high gear" by the time it was ten minutes until 8:00, knowing that 6 people needed to shower and primp to be ready to leave by 8:50. I'm sure you can guess the rest of the story. Lots of prodding...."Luke, get out of the shower!! (He'd been in there for 15 minutes.) and yelling..."Who can take the quickest shower?" and then the ever popular...."Brush teeth, comb hair, NOW!"
You see, I had the clothes ironed (don't fall over) and laid out on each ones bed...all ready to go.

"But, what should I wear, Mom?"

"Dad, could you give me a hand with my hair??"

Well, here we are on our way to the photographer...I think they clean up pretty good, don't you?? and they don't look like their spirits are bruised too badly from all of the yelling.... I wonder if they all got their teeth brushed??? Jill

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