Through the front window, I could see that the garbageman had just come and our 2 cans and recycling bin were sitting there, out by the street. Winds were gusting at a pretty good rate so I decided to give the kids a "break" and that I would be the one getting the recycling bin and trash cans back into the garage. I bundled up in a heavily padded winter coat that I don't usually wear in public.....complete with a hood that I secured tightly so the winter breeze wouldn't reach my face.
I gracefully avoided any ice patches on the long, downsloping driveway, and finally made it to the end, to rescue the trash cans. As I looked at the cans that were now laying sideways, I noticed that I was too late. Too late because both of the trash can lids were GONE...... Gone with the wind........ My eyes quickly scanned up the street, looking for one or possibly both of the lids. Good news!! One of the lids was embedded in a snow bank halfway up the street. I ignored the stinging of the wind that blew right through my jeans and ran up the street to "capture" the lid. Finally, most pieces of the collection were reunited!! But where could the other lid be???? I quickly stacked the rolling trash cans and threw the recycling bin inside the top can, giving up the thought of ever seeing the matching grey lid again. As I climbed up the steep driveway, pulling the cans, my breath was almost taken away by the frigid air now blowing into my hood.
Later in the day, I had to go out and about, so I decided to drive up to the top of our subdivision in my nice, warm car. Low and behold, my eyes were attracted to a small gray object laying in the road........THERE IT WAS..........and our reunion was sweet as I held my breath, jumped out of the car, and slung it into the back seat......with a smile on my face..... all pieces were captured and reunited.....
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