Today was Mother's Day at our Home. I always build myself up for a day of selfishness, receiving fun cards and no cooking!! Well, the day started off with this....

We then attended church...

then proceeded to Mom's choice of lunch....Applebee's. ( Although the crowds were routing for Cousin's subs-- Who's day is it again?) I thoroughly enjoyed the Fiesta Lime Chicken!
Then we dropped the kids off at home and visited some model homes in our area to get some decorating ideas. How fun it was to see and "smell" a new home that didn't have any "dings" in the drywall or have dirty clothes on the floor.
Grocery shopping was next on the list. Hubby and I shopped for a few food items and picked up ingredients for spaghetti that hubby and kids would make for dinner that night. Kids were too busy doing their own "thing" to help bring in groceries or put them away. Hmmmm... Who's day was it again?? I ended up cooking dinner, just like a normal day. Mom declared that there would not be a Mother's Day on our calendar next year so she wouldn't be disappointed. SHAZAM!
Kids cleaned up dinner and the kitchen while Mom excused herself from the table and started scrapbooking for the rest of the evening.
After all of the fun AND disappointment of the day, I guess the realization is that I don't live in a "model" home with perfect people but I live in a real house with "dings" in the drywall, dirty clothes on the floor, and have beautifully imperfect kids... and I'm thankful for them. Jill