As one of our excursions in Juneau, we went whale watching in Auke Bay. It was a rainy and foggy day but little did we know that it would turn out to be an AWESOME day. 5 humpback whales were spotted and the boat approached them, trying not to disturb their feeding. The naturalist explained that they were doing something called "bubble netting" to catch fish. They usually do this only a few weeks out of the year, and today was our lucky day to see them do this!! The naturalist also explained that there are only about 20,000 humpback whales in the world, and only 200 of those know how to do the "bubble netting" to catch fish. We couldn't believe that we were getting to see such a rare thing...... She explained that the whales all blow bubbles to scare the fish into a certain area and then the whales swim from the bottom to top of the water with their mouths wide open.....what a sight!! They did this over and over.....

We also saw some Steller sea lions relaxing on a buoy....

the second half of the excursion involved seeing the Mendenhall glacier....we didn't spend much time here...spent most of the time whale watching.....(sorry for the blurry picture)

Andrew and Ben had a fun excursion that day too...but of course, no pictures...... they rode bikes down a mountain and had a guided tour of nature along the trail.......
Stay tuned tomorrow....Glacier Bay!!!! Here's a sneak peek....
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