Whew.....it's been a long week for me....Good thing I planned my blog out through Wednesday of this week on Sunday night. Little did I know that a simple bag of lettuce, eaten on Sunday night, could ruin half the week. Without going into too much detail (you might be eating breakfast), I lost a LOT of fluid starting at 6am on Monday morning and continued into Tuesday morning. I thought maybe it was a stomach bug but the fury would not let up.....By Tuesday morning, I was so weak and feeling terrible that I called to get an appt. at my dr's, knowing that the "snowstorm of the century" was on it's way. Needless to say, my Dr. diagnosed me with probable Salmonella poisoning, and hooked me up to a couple of bags of this......and some antibiotics. As I'm writing this, I'm feeling much better and have starting eating again....you know, the B.R.A.T. diet. (Bananas, Rice, Apple Sauce, Toast) Hooray!!!!!

One of the most interesting things was from the moment I was sick, my dog, Bella knew something wasn't right. She was like a loyal friend that stuck by my side ALL DAY on Monday. She even forced her way onto the bed, just to make sure I was OK. It was the strangest thing. I had to MAKE her go outside to go potty, and then she was back in, right by my side again. Even in the middle of the night, she found a way to break out of area where she sleeps and find me...AT MIDNIGHT. She's never done this before!!! Even at the worst, most embarrassing moments in the bathroom, she was there....not sure if she was guarding me, or just keeping me company. I truly think she had a second sense and knew that something was wrong.
Because I felt so bad, I kept my phone with me and happened to catch a tender moment with Bella........

Can't you just read her eyes....."Mom, are you OK?"
1 comment:
I was so sorry to hear this - how awful! I'm glad you are on the mend. Bella was your guardian angel. :)
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