Andrew played on Varsity this year....he ended up playing various positions #4 singles, #3 singles, #2 singles and even played doubles in one meet. The coaches liked that he was a versatile player that could adjust to any change and remain a strong player. A Varsity letter was earned, a chevron, a tennis pin and even the "Coaches Award" Plaque was given to him for an outstanding year!! Very Nice, Andrew!!!
Ben started out well as a freshman tennis player this year. He played #1 doubles on JV with Keith Anderick. They had a great season as well.... the coach said that Ben was a great tennis player and that he and Keith were a great team. Coach also said that he was looking forward to seeing Ben next year...and that there were 7 Varsity spots open next season!!!! Good Luck, Ben!
Ben earned his numerals for his letter jacket.....
A very fun night with pizza, conversation and awards!!! Again, a very proud Momma!!
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