Some friends and I went golfing today on a par 3 course. Now, we played 9 holes and it took us 3 hours....keep in mind, we skipped 3 holes!!!! We certainly didn't play the best or the fastest game of golf, but I bet we got in the most giggles.
Here are my friends Mrs. Peschek and Mrs. Gainer

A few times, I even saw people throw the ball instead of hit it.....hmmmmm.....
And the times that we "whiffed" the ball...well, we just said that was a practice swing...because we are full of grace, people, don't ya know.
There was some dialogue that went on yesterday that absolutely cracked me up. One lady said "I feel good....I haven't said a bad word once." Another one said "At least I'm not in the sand trap"........we looked around and said "There are no sand traps here....."
and the best quote of the day...."We may not play good....but we LOOK good!!!"
Here I am ringing the bell, signaling the last hole.....

did I mention that this was my best friend on hole # 5??

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