March 29th is a day that our local school will not soon forget......2 of our very own students (Cara Peters & Luke Ziebart)were killed in a very tragic car accident on the way to church on that Sunday. The roads were slick and a big landscaping truck lost control and crossed the center line and then ended up crashing into their SUV, killing the father, son and also a friend of the family. All of the other passengers in the SUV sustained serious injuries, while the 3 landscapers who were illegal immigrants walked away from the accident unharmed.
It just doesn't seem fair....life, sometimes.....
Students at the school were encouraged to make a banner and write on the "wall" to help with the grieving process. There were messages of extreme sadness, messages of hope and even messages of regret..... it was a very hard week for the students and staff.

That's so sad Jill. I remember a boy in my elementary school that was killed when we were in the 5th grade and I still think about it sometimes. The students will remember.....
Great post and thanks for putting that out there.
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