Some friends of ours needed a weekend away, so we watched their 2 kiddoes while they were gone. It's been a few years since we've had little kids in our house and we had a chance to bring out the "old" toys. For instance Luke LOVED playing cars with little Benji...they had to make a spot for the fire engines to be parked....

Ben and Luke weren't quite so thrilled when little Ben woke up and started playing legos at 2:30 am....or when he had to "go potty" at 3am...or when he had a bad dream later and started yelling his sister's name.... :)
BIG Ben even taught little Ben how to sort laundry....colored clothing goes here and whites over here....

Anna had another female in the house which was a plus....Elise got a kick out of making Minnie her own personal baby.....Minnie wasn't as thrilled.....

and hubby got inspired and cooked a turkey with all of the fixin's.....
baked potatoes/sweet potatoes and fresh green beans......YUM!!

So I guess you could say that we were well fed this weekend AND well entertained!!!
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