Wednesday was "Meet and Greet" at the local schools so we loaded up the backpacks and off we went. It was so good to see all of the teachers and all of our good friends!
Anna was so excited that she has a desk this year. She said "I can't wait to organize all of my things in the desk!" Here she is in her 1st Grade classroom....

We traveled to a different school to see Luke and Ben's classrooms. Luke is a big 4th grader this year. His teacher is evidently a die hard Brewer fan so he won big points with this shirt...

Ben was in no hurry to get to his homeroom. In the hallway. he had all kinds of girls asking him what classes he had. Because he's in 8th grade, and rules the school now, he just looked straight ahead and kept walking and said to those girls in his best Napoleon Dynamite voice..."Goshhhh, I don't even have my schedule yet...." Well, I did capture a photo of Mr. Ben too...

Yesterday, the high school was open so Andrew wanted to go fill his locker with all of his "stuff" so we made the 20 minute jaunt to do that. Ben will be going to the high school for Math class next year so he wanted to find HIS locker too. As we walked through the hallways, we saw lots of teachers that have had Andrew the last couple of years and let me tell you what's amazing. Every one of them said hi to him and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM remembered his name!! In a school of 1700 students, these teachers really get to know their impressive!! Here's a picture of Andrew in one of the cafeterias....

Now go and have a great weekend!!!
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