It's been a fun summer so far...just wanted to show you what a typical day is like at our house.
There's lots of letting the dog outside...she must really have to go--she has her collar in her mouth...maybe she's just excited to chase the birds and squirrels out of our yard...

There has been lots of swimming going on.....with wonderful neighbor kids...

One of the neighbor boys, a 200 lb. freshman, likes to do these tricks in our pool....interesting.

and we usually end our day at the town or out of's a look at Mr. Ben pitching last night...

and what I didn't take a picture of was... me doing lots of laundry, taking them to summer school, making the kids do their chores and grocery shopping at least twice a week now.....piggies!!!
Stay to tuned tomorrow when I share my secret to keeping Anna content and happy while going to her brothers games every're gonna like it.... Stay cool today!! Jill
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