As our Friday night was winding down, we went to bed, knowing that we were on vacation and we didn't have to be anywhere at any certain time in the morning, so we could "sleep in." Ahhhhhh.
We were rudely awakened the next morning at 6 am with the sounds of the loudest bird I've ever heard....Oooops, we had forgotten to put the "bird clock" under a pillow so it wouldn't chirp when daylight arrived.
Bella (our dog) had a few belly problems earlier in the week (throwing up) and we thought she might have eaten something from our recycling bin, and we were hoping it wasn't lodged somewhere in her intestines. The vet at home was pretty sure that Bella would be fine, but wanted us to call back if she started throwing up again. Well, we had discovered up north that she had not gone to the bathroom (#2) for 4 days and she was now throwing up again too. That signaled me to call a vet for fear that something was clogging up her system...we needed an x-ray to determine that... So, off we went to the "up north" vet.

We pulled up to the "vet clinic"...OK, it was a run down shack and the vet was there to meet us at the reception area....or maybe he was the receptionist too. Hmmmm, I didn't have a very good feeling about this vet. Cobwebs were everywhere, dust too and Lordy, you should have seen the clutter and bottles of medicine sitting everywhere. Not the most hygienic place in the world. John and I had decided even BEFORE we walked in that we didn't want our sweet pup to have any kind of procedure done here (ie surgery).
The vet was nice enough, didn't say much but checked her over pretty good, gave her a shot of something without even asking or telling us what it was... Like a good Mommy, I started getting a little panicky, asking lots of questions like...."What was that?--that you just injected into my dog???? Holy Cow, this guy was old school... He kept his dog thermomenter laying by the sink and did actually rinse it off with water after using it on Bella.....ewwwww. The vet never did give her an x-ray, but felt that she just needed some canned pumpkin (fiber) and a few days of antibiotics. We could not WAIT to get out of there!!!! I paid the bill..... an exam, a shot of Penicillin and 5 days worth of came to $38 dollars....I guess I didn't mind that this guy was Old School on pricing!!!! So, off we went to buy pumpkin and head back to the Chalet...
We played a little Bocce Ball, also bringing Bella with us because, well, dogs Like to watch a good game of bocce ball.

I totally rocked at boccie fact, I sent Andrew a text message, back at home, that I , in fact, did ROCK at boccie ball.
For some reason the bugs were really bad at the boccie ball court. We saw all kinds of dead June bugs/beetles and these beautiful caterpillars were crawling all over the court and picnic tables....John thought they might be Gypsy Moths. You can imagine Anna's reaction to all of the bugs......but the boys enjoyed petting the caterpillars!!!!

We finished the afternoon at the pool again and still tried to get Bella to go potty.......
To be continued....... on Thursday. Jill