I wanted to show you a selection of the cards I received for Mother's Day...and I think you might just be impressed. I know that I was...
OK, 1 st card.... from Luke....I'll give him the best drawing award. Yes, that's me in bed, and he is bringing me breakfast. Please don't make fun of my bed-head... Wasn't that sweet?? Nice touch with the heart cut outs on the bottom too...

Next, Ben, the creative genius, came up with words to describe me....my favorite was "Back Blaster Master". I still remember the days of diapers.... Good Job, Ben!! I like the use of the photos too!

Oh yes, and here's the front.... very creative...

Apparently, someone is impressed with my muscular calves-- maybe even jealous. That's a good thing...It's because I work out so hard, ya know... (ahem) Nice drawings, Andrew. I really loved what you wrote too--it was straight from the heart....

Last, but not least, is the Most Colorful Award... going to Miss Anna Grace. Isn't it lovely?? I'll never get tired of pictures like this..... Thank you, sweet daughter....

See? Aren't these great??? I had a great Mother's Day!!! I only wish they would STAY OUT OF MY SCRAPBOOKING STUFF! Oh, just kidding...... Jill
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