It's been a few years since I've had a toddler around the house for any length of time....especially a Male, 2 year old. I had the opportunity to let one of my friends have a few hours to herself so I took on the challenge of watching her kiddoes, one being a 2 yr. old and one being 5yrs old.
Well, I had forgotten how BUSY two year olds can be....attention span = 1 minute or so. I had run out of ideas for playing in the house- the legos were too small and he wanted to MOVE! So, I put on my thinking cap and took him outside! My goodness, there were LOTS of things to do out there... First, we walked to the mailbox and got the mail...
Next, we played on the swing set, but something in the sandbox caught his eye....

We then headed to the shed, where we saw something else to play with.... the tractor!

We found something just his size in the shed...and it hasn't been used since last Fall....

But the MOST interesting thing was sitting in our driveway, just next to our garage.... our big, green van. The big green van was very fun because it doesn't get used much and you can find many interesting treasures within the seats and storage areas. Nice fishing hat, Matthew!!

Playing in the van was so much fun that the girls joined in and found EVEN MORE treasures....coloring books and markers. Playing in the van kept them busy for about 45 minutes...can you believe it??? They had a blast!!!

So if you ever need to entertain small children at your house, just go out and buy a large, gas-guzzling conversion van so they can play in it...OK??? OK!! Jill