Grapes 1 & 2 On a ledge in a southern exposed window
Grapes 3 & 4 On a ledge in a southern exposed window enclosed in a container with water
Grapes 5 & 6 In a dark, cool linen closet
Grapes 7 & 8 In the refrigerator
Wow! We've learned quite a lot from this experiment! I thought the grapes in the window, exposed to dry heat would turn to raisins faster than those exposed to no heat or light. Very interesting. OK, we're done with our Science lessons for the day, class.
On Monday, Andrew had a day off of school, so we happened to wander over to Panera bread for lunch. No sooner had we pulled into the parking lot, he started going crazy with all sorts of comments like, "oh, that's awesome," or "wow". I had no clue what I might see if I looked, but here's what he saw in the parking lot.

For those of you who DON"T have teenagers, I'll explain. This is a van from a store that sells video games and they have had a scene from HALO (a popular game) painted on the side.....OOOO, AHHHHHH. See, that IS "awesome", hey??
We have our last 7th grade basketball game tomorrow. We're in a tournament and we're playing for "winner of the consolation game". In other words, "Winner of the loser's bracket." Good thing it's not the championship game because our high scoring player (size 15 feet, 6 foot tall) just broke his ankle. Bummer! Oh Well, we'll have fun anyway!!! Have a great weekend!!! Jill
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