They made it just in time to go to Christmas Eve service at our church to see this wise guy, I mean, WISEMAN sing and read a little scripture. (That's why he wasn't around much last weekend--he was gone, practicing for the big event.)Look, he's even on the big screen...

After the service, we all came back to the house and Gramma Ellie fixed a yummy Swedish dinner...no, the dinner did NOT include lutefisk. We had swedish meatballs, potato sausage, carrot casserole and baked potatoes. Yes, the Swedish meal has been adapted over the years to be more "child friendly"-- no goose-eye either. EEEEEEWW!

A little later, Gramma Ellie presented her Swedish "S" cookies to us in a very creative way...as St. Lucia. Very nice costume! She made it herself!

We opened a few gifts... check out these Peterson University shirts!!

To end the night, we walked up the street to enjoy a little more Christmas spirit at a neighbor's house....check it out...Isn't it amazing??? I couldn't even capture the whole display on my camera. Music is included in the display so it's really something fun! It attracts people to our subdivision like nothing other....

Now that was a fun night! Stay tuned tomorrow for Christmas Day photos!! Jill
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