Here is what a teenage male does to "primp" for the dance. (45 minutes tops)
Have Mom iron your clothes (yes, I'm a sucker)
Get dressed
Shoes on/ Brush teeth
Have Dad help you do this....

and then you're ready to go

I can't think of a better day to wear a long sleeved black, part polyester shirt, can you?? (It was only 85 degrees)
John and I drove Andrew to a designated location...(friend's girlfriend's) to take pictures. Andrew's date, Not a girlfriend, showed up late for pictures. Dad ends up putting on nearly every boutonniere for the guys...even though it looks totally "wrong" to have a guy reaching inside another guy's shirt to fasten the thing.
Faking putting on the flower

The real guy doing all of the work..

The group...

Andrew and his "date"...

After pictures, Andrew's date ditched him to go to a friend's house, leaving him dateless for dinner. So he hung out with the 5 other couples at awkward. She met him at the dance and only danced with him once. Next time, I think he will choose to go alone, with a group of guys.
John and I were walking to our car after the pictures of the kids had been taken and he grabbed my hand and said "I'm SO glad to be married." That made me smile..."me too." I said.
Here's my date for the evening... isn't he grand???? Jill

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