Anna went to the E.R. Saturday night with a fever and a strange bug bite that blistered and then kept weeping fluid down her leg. She was put on an antibiotic and all is better now.

On Sunday, we had a big kickball party with some friends at their house. What a blast! We've always played kids versus parents and truthfully we haven't had to work that hard to win. Well, after taking our Advil and doing lots of stretching we played and we LOST to the kids. Now before you laugh, you ought to know that many of these kids are in high school... and we are obviously way PAST high school. Even after the defeat, we considered the game a success because no one got hurt inspite of the fact that my hubby kicked a homerun and did a diving roll into home base to avoid being blasted by the ball. Wow, what a fun day full of laughter and good company!! Here are a few pictures...
The winners..

The losers...

Enjoy your Labor Day!! Jill
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