Several weeks ago our family took a trip to Disney World in Florida. I couldn't wait to take Anna to see the Magic Kingdom and the Princess Castle!! After riding the tram from the parking lot, then to the monorail and then walking to the park we were all frustrated, just wanting to get there. Low and behold, there it was......the princess castle. After a few photo opportunities, we squeezed our way through Main Street, while tiny little bugs flew into our faces. Anna thought the castle was really pretty but those buggies were bothering her.
While in the Magic Kingdom, I said " I would rather go to the dentist than come back to this busy, crowded place." John said...."I'll ask you later about that." Well, today is the day--my trip to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. You might ask, "Would you rather go to the dentist today or the Magic Kingdom?" My answer remains the same. Dentist. (Sorry to all of you Disney fans) Jill :)
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