Friday, March 30, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Hey, who's driving my car??? She's a doggone good driver!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Pictures

This weekend we went to my parent's house for dinner. Bella was wanting to be helpful and help grandpa finish his dinner...and she was a little forceful!! But it worked, he gave her lots of little bites!!

Anna got a new sassy shirt and wore it to her softball practice.....I LOVE it!!! She's been beating the boys at school in some of the gym class games and beat one of the top boy athletes in a "wall sit!" Last week, she was very happy to wear this shirt to school!!! That's my girl!!

Friday, March 23, 2012


Here are a few random photos from our week.....
A beautiful sunrise in the neighborhood....
A beautiful daughter....
A beautiful and now CLEAN AND FRESH Pup....

Enjoy your weekend!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Peterson Fleet

Now, who wants to contribute for the insurance???? Any takers???

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Anna was totally spoiled on the weekend at her sleepover! She had a great time hanging out at her friend's house, playing Dance Central...
She had a special sleeping buddy during the sleepover....who hogged the bed, she said....
The family took her to the Championship Milwaukee Wave Game....and they won!! Which means there was CONFETTI....
and Wave players without shirts!! Which Anna DID notice, I might add!!
Our kids are truly blessed with wonderful friends and opportunities!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012


This weekend, we welcomed back Mr. Peterson from a 5 day golf trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Luckily, the weather was just as nice here as it was there, so I didn't feel too bad when he emailed me pictures like this....

Oh, don't you worry about me, I found plenty of time to watch movies, and shop and NOT COOK!!! and this little girlie had a long sleepover weekend.....

Friday, March 16, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Boys vs. The Computer

Ben made his first big purchase since he has been working at the Piggly Wiggly...a new computer. But here's the thing....he bought it in pieces and had to build it. Now I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a clue how to put one of these together, but luckily, his friend Matt, has built his own and came over to show Ben how to do it.

All of the pieces, etc. came in 2 boxes. 2 boxes that were quickly carried back to our sunroom and promptly dumped out onto the table and on the furniture and on the floor...what a mess....I won't bother showing you a picture of that!!!

So here are the guys, working hard, putting all of those pieces together......
and here's the finished it's "place", right in front of Ben, in his room. It's scary how big that monitor is.....I wonder if he is having eye problems....

I'm pretty sure he is having eye problems.....just LOOK at that pile of laundry behind him....Hello?? I think it's time to start a load, don't you???

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Just a few things to report....

Luke got his new Richfield Rockets baseball uniform....
and here are a few more pictures of those crazy boys of mine....

Monday, March 12, 2012


First of all...and most importantly, Andrew arrived home from Washington D.C. on Saturday,and the brotherly love-fest quickly began..... So thankful that he is home and safe. (Their group stayed in the inner city of Washington DC all week.)
Ben had friends over Friday night and arose from the basement on Saturday morning at approximately 11:45 am.....they were suddenly inspired to come upstairs for breakfast when the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon were drifting down into the basement. These guys can EAT!!!
Speaking of eating, I made taco pizza for the whole family on Saturday was delicious!!