The weekend weather was pretty yucky....we even saw some snow fall !!! The biggest excitement was that we got rid of this....

and got this........

John and I drove to Madison on Friday morning to pick it up. John needed to get back to Milwaukee for work by 1 p.m., so he left me in Madison with the new car and no map!! I had never been to Madison before and I had no idea how to get home!! What a helpless feeling!! BUT....John reminded me that we now have Navigation in the car, so I just programmed in our address, and it told me how to get home!! WOW...that was cool!!!
Sunday, we had some sunshine, so it was time for a project. John, Ben and Luker worked on pulling out the old basketball hoop......we're replacing it with a new and improved model! They worked and worked and soon had the huge cement block pulled out!! Let's give a cheer for teamwork!!! Yea!!!!