After being without Andrew for a week (college) and our family missing him like crazy, I received a text on Friday morning that said "Could you pick me up so I can just come home and "chill?" I secretly couldn't wait to see the young man, and the 1:00 pick up time couldn't come soon enough..... Anyway, I picked him up, and happily, the 30 minute ride was full of conversation and questions and remarks!!
As soon as he walked in the door, the dogs wouldn't leave him alone.....he would sit down on the floor and one of them was on his lap and the other wouldn't leave his side.....

The house was quiet, the couch was comfy, and soon someone was in dreamland......for over an hour!!!

and of course, he brought his dirty clothes home with him.......which I was happy to wash, dry and fold for him............this time.......