In order to avoid all of the other "graduates" parties we decided to host Andrew's party in mid-August, which sounded like a great thing last March. Well, little did we know that this summer would be unusually hot, humid and buggy in August.
In order to get ready for 120 people eating at our home, I rounded up my kids, best friends and relatives and enticed them with homemade zucchini bread if they would help cut up 8 watermelons, 2 bags of oranges and separate 6 bags of grapes......the workers were happy, the work was done in 45 minutes and it saved us about $120.....ordering fruit trays for that many is EXPENSIVE!! I love my kitchen angels!!!!

At the party, we had a little dedication area for all of Andrew's awards, artwork and scrapbooks. I thought it turned out pretty good, considering it was our family room......

At one point in the morning before the party, I looked over and all 4 kids were looking at the scrapbooks....and reminiscing about various trips and Christmas's.....just giggling and made all of those long hours working on their scrapbooks worth it!!!
and someone had fun with some of Andrew's props......

More party details tomorrow.......