I took the gang shoe shopping yesterday....something that Andrew has wanted to do for the past 2 weeks...(he says his shoes "reek")
So, here is how you shop for 4 kids, spend $150 and get out in 20 minutes.......
Enter the store and have everyone scatter to find their "perfect " pair of shoes..... Mom helps Anna find the size and style appropriate for her skinny heels....
When selection is done, find Mom in the store, get the "toe check" to make sure the size is right, then take selection to the front desk and wait.
Unwritten rules for shoe shopping:NEVER choose the same shoe style as your brother.
Always wear "good socks" when you try on shoes.....(No holes or big stains =) )
Try not to change your mind more than once...
Always shop on "Buy one, get one half off" day.
Combine the sale with rewards cash....so I got $15 off today...
That's it!!! The only thing I should have done differently was to pick up dinner on the way home...... hee hee!!