Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tonight we ran some errands together, went out for dinner and then saw a movie. It was a fabulous night...... spent with a fabulous person.
Monday, December 29, 2008
More lovin'
The weekend just flew by.....we had lots of Gramma & Grampa lovin'....and they took us out for dinner...yum!

The boys enjoyed one of their new presents...Monopoly. A nice game by the warm fire....
Someone needs to clue Luke in about his fashion no-no.....
and Andrew worked his last day at our local grocery store. They wanted him to put in 28 hours a week--not good when you have 2 honors classes and 1 AP class...no time to study!!! Tennis season is coming soon so he will be freed up for that :) He's banked quite a bit of money so he'll be OK on gas $ for awhile.....
We absolutely LOVED having both sets of Grandparents here for Christmas....what a blessing!!

Someone needs to clue Luke in about his fashion no-no.....

Friday, December 26, 2008
A Peterson Christmas...
What a great day.... Our day started fairly early...at 7 am, we opened gifts. Ben got a snowboard and accessories.
Luke got his favorite game, Monopoly....
Andrew got a letterman's jacket...
Anna made some cute and yummy cookies.... (yes, she had a few presents too)
Don't forget to see the Packer Pup...
We had a really delicious dinner....and both sets of Grandparents were here!!!
Gramma Sue brought up her bingo game and lots of prizes. Ben was the BIG winner...I think he won 9 times....lucky!!!!! Here he is with his winning card.....

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
I can't believe it's the Monday before Christmas already....oh, I have so many things to do..... even with our busy weekend of snow and more snow and basketball, we managed to take the time to rescue this little one who got stuck in a snow drift...
John got smart, opened the gate, and threw the ball down the steps to wear out the other dog....
and of course we had time to put a puzzle together....
Company starts coming today so I'm off to get ready for them!!! Cooking, cleaning....shopping....

Friday, December 19, 2008
The Christmas Concert
While we were patiently waiting for the concert to begin, I got a shot of John and my "festive" socks.....

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tasty Thursday-Chinese Noodle Cookies
My Grandma, Jeane Mackey, used to make these at Christmas time...I'm happy to continue the tradition.
Chinese Noodle Cookies
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup Karo syrup
Bring above ingredients just to a boil.
Add the following ingredients:
1 cup peanut butter
2 cups chinese noodles
Stir in and drop by teaspoon on waxed paper

Chinese Noodle Cookies
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup Karo syrup
Bring above ingredients just to a boil.
Add the following ingredients:
1 cup peanut butter
2 cups chinese noodles
Stir in and drop by teaspoon on waxed paper
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
It was a slow and relaxing weekend for us... Anna's friend, Ali, came over and they played in the snow ....they had a big snowball fight with Luke too.
Sunday morning was full of lots of good things.....reading the newspaper, drinking coffee and having the dog take a nap in your lap.....hey, this man can multitask....( I could use this photo as blackmail, hey??)
the last photo is a picture of our neighbor's house all lit up for Christmas....it is really a sight to be seen! You can see the glow from miles away!!! They're so festive!!! Needless to say, none of us try to compete with this display, we just decorate a tree or two in our yard....
Yes, we had basketball games too, and they were fun!! Lost one game, won two but were eventually eliminated in the tournament. Hopefully I will get some good photos at tonight's game......

Friday, December 12, 2008
I'm so glad it's Friday!! We've had a few issues to deal with this week. Issues that might not be as important as achieving world peace or solving the economic slump, but these issues are challenging our brains.....we are having to be creative, people.
For instance.....when your picky son wants to have a hot dog and we have no hot dog buns......we get creative. Check out what we came up with......because it wouldn't be "right" to use a piece of bread, ya know.

Now, as you all have probably heard, we had a little snow here over the past week. Fun for the kids, but not good for teacup Yorkies. Can't you just hear Minnie saying....."but Dad, I can't find anywhere to go potty...."
Make sure you notice Anna's name carved into the snow on the table.......
Now, who's gonna let me inside????

For instance.....when your picky son wants to have a hot dog and we have no hot dog buns......we get creative. Check out what we came up with......because it wouldn't be "right" to use a piece of bread, ya know.

Now, as you all have probably heard, we had a little snow here over the past week. Fun for the kids, but not good for teacup Yorkies. Can't you just hear Minnie saying....."but Dad, I can't find anywhere to go potty...."

Now, who's gonna let me inside????
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tasty Thursday- Pizza Casserole (Crock Pot)

Pizza Casserole
1 1/2 pounds hamburger, cooked and drained
16 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese
1 package of pepperoni
16 0z. box of rigatoni noodles(I used elbow springs), cooked
1 can cream of mushroom soup
2 small cans of mushrooms (optional)
2 jars/cans pizza sauce
Layer in a crockpot in this order
pepperoni ( on top)
mushroom soup
hamburger (on the bottom)
Cook on Low for 4 hours.... I stir it together before serving it!! Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday night John and I ventured out for dinner with a bunch of couples. We had a yummy dinner and then continued the fun back at our friend's home.....and had some scrumptious desserts! Here's a picture of the ladies at the restaurant....

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